Please support healthy creeks!
Giving a gift to keep local creeks healthy is easy and there are many ways to show your support.
AWC is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit. All contributions are tax-deductible.
Our federal tax ID is 92-0111510.
Donate Online
Donate by Mail
Anchorage Waterways Council
PO Box 241774
Anchorage, AK 99524-1774
Donate by Phone
Types of Giving:
Become a Member! Help be an advocate for local creeks in the Anchorage watershed. Join an active community of citizens and businesses. Your support makes a tremendous difference to a small organization like AWC. Join and receive advance notice for events as well as our newsletter, Streamline.
$30-$99 Waterway Watcher
$100-$249 River Keeper
$250-$499 Habitat Protector
$500-$999 Watershed Steward
$1,000+ President's Circle
Donations can also be made in honor or memory of someone special (birthday, holidays, graduations, anniversaries, memorial). If you choose to make a donation in honor or memory of someone please call the AWC at 907 272-7335.
Please know that your contribution goes toward activities that improve the creeks and quality of life in your community. These include our volunteer Citizens Environmental Monitoring Program ( CEMP), Creeks as Classrooms outreach as well as our annual Creek Cleanup event. You will receive our e-newsletter, Streamline, to keep you up to the minute on our activities and other local topics of interest.
Other Ways to Support Us:
Donating gently used items and purchasing from FashionPact results in money for AWC. Every item designated for AWC that you donate and sells (EVERYTHING is $5!) will generate $1 to us. The same is true for any item you purchase and designate AWC as the recipient. Please check out their website and consider giving them a visit.
Fred Meyer Community Support:
If you have a Fred Meyers Reward card you can link it to AWC, as they donate quarterly to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending. Our organization number is GK663. It's a win-win solution as you still receive your rewards and AWC does to.
Amazon Smile:
If you purchase items on Amazon Smile and want to support AWC, here is a link to our organization number.