Monitoring our Creeks
Since 1998, the Anchorage Waterways Council's Monitoring Program, known as CEMP, has trained over 200 volunteer monitors to collect baseline, water-quality data which is used to identify water quality trends and detect pollution. Volunteer monitors have collected a wide array of chemical and physical data from 44 individual creek sites, representing 11 watersheds in the Municipality. Without this valuable information, the ability to properly manage and protect water resources is greatly diminished. Volunteers spend about 30 hours every year learning a lot about their creeks which makes them great creek advocates.
Currently, volunteers monitor for: water temperature, turbidity (clarity), pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), water color, and bacteria (E. coli & total coliform). Monitors are given training and provided with a kit and an incubator. The time involvement is about 45 minutes at the site and an hour off-site.
CEMP is completely funded by donations from private individuals.